Thursday, December 10, 2009

Love & Learn

So there we were floating in space, floating like the beautiful light beings that we are when suddenly we heard a voice coming from a blue floating ball asking us a very curious question: "do you want to be in a play?" "Sure" we replied being attracted by the bright light and the opportunity to experience something new. "Then follow me..." said the voice "but remember no matter what happens, you must always remember these two rules (1) Love as much as you can and (2) Learn as much as you can.

As entities of love we were concerned about the rules and asked "what if we forget the 2 rules, how would we remember?" "Fear not" said the voice "in the blue ball there will be a constant frequency with beautiful melodies which you will be able to pick up it will serve to remind you of the two rules" and so we entered the portal and 9 months later which appeared to us as an instant, we arrived inside the floating blue ball.

"Action!" As far as I can see life is a play. A play that has essentially two rules: Rule number (1) Love. Rule number (2) Learn. Two rules with endless interpretations and ways of expression. For some rule number (1) means to have fun, to serve others, to live piously; every being has a way of defining love. What is love? Ask around and every person you ask will give you a different answer, and that's the way it should be. What is love? Love is ________. Love is a frequency, a vibration, an expression of energy that is in tune with Truth...and just like Truth; it is not limited by a definition or mode of expression.

Rule (2) is just as elusive and limitless as rule number (1). For some, learning means the accumulation of vast amounts of data, for others learning entails being with nature and living a simple life, while still others prefer to meditate and look within. What does it mean to learn? Learning is ____________. Learning is also a frequency, a feeling that heals, a vibration that takes one "higher". Just like no two people love the same, no two people learn the same, but still we know what they are, or at least we think we do.

So we arrive in this beautiful blue ball and at first we can clearly hear the beautiful melodies of light, the frequency of love is clear and all is well. Then something strange happens the other beings begin to tell us that this serious, that it is not game. They tell us to stop "playing around", to follow directions, and so we start forgetting.

From here we encounter the two groups that have made life a serious affair and in the process they have created so much noise that it is almost impossible to hear the beautiful melodies. The first group are the "zombie actors". These are the beings that have forgotten, the ones that take themselves seriously. They forgot it was a play, that they were suppose to take themselves lightly. They forgot about the 2 rules and have fooled themselves into believing that this "life" is all that is.

The second group are even more dangerous and have created and even more noise to block out the signal. We can call this group "mad directors" because although they know that life is a play they have convinced themselves that they are the "director" and therefore superior to the other mere actors. These two groups, zombie actors and mad directors, the masses and the elite, the profane and the betters, complement each other and in fact feed one another. Together they create noise to block out the signal of love and harmony and continue their great delusion.

Naturally love and wisdom are the greatest enemies of these two groups and that it is why as the play gets more and more serious, less and less of love and wisdom are to be found. Therefore the way forward is to love and learn. Love as John Lennon so plainly put it...

<Love is real real is love>>
<Love is knowing we can be>>
<<Love is free, free is love,>>

There are times in life when things seam to slow down, when a space opens up and we're able to listen to the beautiful melodies. It is at those times that we remember and it is at those times that we are best able to honor the first rule and we will only be true to the second rule if we remember that the highest form of knowledge is self knowledge and self knowledge is all about "knowing thyself".

And so we are here in this magical play called life, let's stop taking things so seriously and start enjoying this beautiful chance we have been given to participate in this sacred show. Let us accept our roles,
not the ones that society or the system has forced us into believing but the one we know to be ours; our destiny, our purpose for coming here, the reason why we accepted to come.

Think about the "advantage" we would have over the zombie actors if we remembered in our hearts that this was a play. While they panic over serious matters like "money", careers, reputations, and social status, we could laugh it all off and focus on the things that really mattered. This would also ruin the plans of the "mad directors" as they can onl
y maintain their "power" if we play their game. Their game is all about trickery, trick you into believing that this is all very serious, when in fact it's a sacred game. Have you ever laughed at somebody that took themselves very seriously? It drives them crazy!

We should take the time to reflect and listen to the beautiful melodies that are all around us so that we can remember the two rules and give our audiences the performance of our lifetime.

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